Imagine my surprise . . .

I received an email from BMC Medical Informatics asking me to review a resubmission of an article I’d reviewed earlier. So far, no problem. I took a look at my original comments, the revised article, and the authors’ responses. Still no problem, as I looked for their responses to my comments. Oh, there it is: “Re the comments made by Andrew Gelman . . .”

Hey! I thought referee reports were supposed to be anonymous! It is a good thing that I liked the paper, otherwise I would’ve made some quick enemies without even trying!!

5 thoughts on “Imagine my surprise . . .

  1. I review quite a lot for the BMC journals, and I thought they made it pretty clear that the reviews aren't anonymous, unless you specifically request it to be.

    I think it says this when you fill in the web form too. (Although I'm not 100% sure, and if you don't fill in the form, because you email it, obviously that doesn't happen.) I have once explicitly asked for anonymity, and it was given.

    The reviews are also published on the website for all to see, afterwards, for example:

    I do *quite* like the idea of this – I think it makes reviewers a bit more likely to consider what they are saying, and how they are saying it.

  2. Jeremy seems to have hit upon the answer. As usual, I didn't read the fine print. I don't mind open reviews; I'd just like to know they're open when I write them!

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