My talk at Northwestern University tomorrow (Thursday)

Of Beauty, Sex, and Power: Statistical Challenges in Estimating Small Effects. At the Institute of Policy Research, Thurs 7 Apr 2011, 3.30pm.

Regular blog readers know all about this topic. (Here are the slides.) But, rest assured, I don’t just mock. I also offer constructive suggestions.

My last talk at Northwestern was fifteen years ago. Actually, I gave two lectures then, in the process of being turned down for a jobenjoying their chilly Midwestern hospitality.

P.S. I searched on the web and also found this announcement which gives the wrong title.

6 thoughts on “My talk at Northwestern University tomorrow (Thursday)

  1. You should take a snapshot of their announcement instead of posting the link. As a reader of your blog, I wonder, when I followed the link, am I looking at what you saw or has it been corrected?

  2. Were you really turned down at Northwestern over a decade ago? Wow.. How does it feel right now to give a talk in a place where it once turned you down?

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