Question 10 of my final exam for Design and Analysis of Sample Surveys

10. Out of a random sample of 100 Americans, zero report having ever held political office. From this information, give a 95% confidence interval for the proportion of Americans who have ever held political office.

Solution to question 9

From yesterday:

9. Out of a population of 100 medical records, 40 are randomly sampled and then audited. 10 out of the 40 audits reveal fraud. From this information, give an estimate, standard error, and 95% confidence interval for the proportion of audits in the population with fraud.

Solution: estimate is p.hat=10/40=0.25. Se is sqrt(1-f)*sqrt(p.hat*(1-.hat)/n)=sqrt(1-0.4)*sqrt(0.25*0.75/40)=0.053. 95% interval is [0.25 +/- 2*0.053] = [0.14,0.36].

4 thoughts on “Question 10 of my final exam for Design and Analysis of Sample Surveys

    • Yes, it came up in a consulting project just last month. I was looking for a convenient reference for it in our report, and I was pleasantly surprised to see that it’s in the (current) edition of the Moore and McCabe book. I don’t like Moore and McCabe as a textbook but it’s actually a fine reference and excellent to have on the shelf as it has clear explanations of all sorts of basic statistical methods.

  1. Stan model with an implicit uniform prior on theta.

    parameters { real(0,1) theta; }

    model { 0 ~ binomial(100,theta); }

    Compile the model, compile the resulting C++ code, and run 1M samples:

    SHELL: bin/stanc src/models/basic_estimators/binomial.stan

    SHELL: g++ -O3 -Lbin -lstan -I src -I lib anon_model.cpp

    SHELL: ./a.out –iter=1000000 –thin=10

    Then compute the 95% interval in R:

    R: x = read.csv(‘samples.csv’, header=TRUE, comment.char=’#’)

    And sorry in advance for all the digits, but I don’t know how to control them,

    R: quantile(x[,3], c(0.025,0.975))

    2.5% 97.5%
    0.0002510584 0.0354259225

    That seems pretty close, because

    R: dbinom(0, 100, 0.035)

    [1] 0.02836164


    R: dbinom(0, 100, 0.00025)

    [1] 0.9753069

  2. Pingback: Question 11 of my final exam for Design and Analysis of Sample Surveys « Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science

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