OK, OK, I know this is the stuff you come to the blog for. Not the pretty maps, not the comments about academia. And certainly not my thoughts on John P. Marquand, Weekend at Bernies, and other cultural treasures. No, it’s the statistics. So here goes…

A political scientist writes: Here’s a question that occurred to me that others may also have. I imagine “Mister P” will become a popular technique to circumvent sample size limitations and create state-level data for various public opinion variables. Just … Continue reading

Kazin to Birstein to a more general question of how we evaluate people’s character based on traits that might, at least at first glance, appear to be independent of character

I read Richard Cook’s biography of Alfred Kazin recently. It was surprisingly interesting—I say “surprisingly” because Kazin didn’t live a particularly eventful life. I wanted to read the book in the first place because I like a lot of Kazin’s … Continue reading