Luce and Raiffa After Fifty Years

This looks interesting. Don Saari writes,

We would like to call your attention to an IMBS conference that will be held on January 25-27, 2008. The topic is Luce and Raiffa After Fifty Years-What Is Next? It has been 50 years since the Duncan Luce and Howard Raiffa book, Games and Decisions: Introduction and Critical Survey, was first published. Our conference is meant both to honor this book that has had such a powerful impact, and to adopt the spirit of the Luce-Raiffa book by critically examining where game theory is today and where it should be in the future.

I love the Luce and Raiffa book. The funny thing is, it describes various unsolved problems with the implication that, in a few years, all of game theory will be cleaned up. Actually, I think this book represents the high-water mark of the idea of game theory as an all-encompassing tool in social science. Game theory has seen lots of important specific advances since then but its limitations have become clearer too. Here’s a website with the conference–unfortunately, only a list of speakers so far, no titles or abstracts, but maybe that will change soon.