Bing sucks

When I search Gelman in Google, I’m right up there at #2. With Bing, I’m not even on the front page. Heck, I’m not even on the second page! Or the third, or the fourth, or the fifth, or the sixth, . . . OK, enough already! I know, I know, I shouldn’t be searching myself anyway, but I had a legitimate reason . . . I had to find my talk on the web today from someone else’s computer.

P.S. OK, I take it all back about Bing. I searched my name on Yahoo, and again my homepage did not appear in the first seven pages of search listings. So, really, I shouldn’t be blaming Bing, I should be thanking Google for being so nice to me.

Thanks, Google!

12 thoughts on “Bing sucks

  1. As they say in computer science, "it works on my machine". Are you sure you have your reading glasses on?

    Or maybe it all works differently in France (that wasn't a sarcastic comment), or perhaps it's using history.

    Searching from Brooklyn, I get:
    2nd hit = blog, 4th hit = home page
    3rd hit = home page, 4th hit = blog
    not on first page

    I wrote up a blog entry about Bing:

    It seems to favor more general public results, whereas Google likes academics and especially computer science.

    My home page is the #1 hit for [Bob Carpenter] on Google, but not even on the first page for Yahoo! or Bing. Bing does rank my LinkedIn page 6th. Yahoo! and Bing both like the "Bob Carpenter Center" at U. Delaware, as well as a bunch of musicians and athletes.

  2. sure you are doing it right? I searched for "gelman" and your Columbia homepage was second. For "Andrew Gelman" the same page came first.

    Perhaps the title should read, Big Stats Prof's Skills Don't Extend to Using Internet Search Engines…

  3. If I write Ambrosio, I will be in the last page, I think, because there is that top model Alessandra Ambrosio. But with Erica Ambrosio I am the third one, it is my empty Linkedln.
    On Yahoo I am all the ones in the first page, except for the #1. I did not know Yahoo loved me that much.
    I am #9 on Bing. You, Gelman, is in the second page on Bing for me.
    Even if Yahoo loves me, I prefer Google.

  4. OK, well clearly there is some serious location stuff going on with Bing – it's annoying when that stuff is completely hidden from the user.

  5. I wrote blog posting a long time back about Cuil. Observing that to succeed any new search engine had better make us all look better than the old one. I think I titled it "this new search engine make me look fat"

  6. I can confirm Bob's finding. From my computer, your blog is the 3rd item, and your department page is the 5th item on Bing. Google is slightly better, your blog is also 3rd on the list… it recognizes that your department page is related to your blog and so it is grouped under the blog item. I'd reward a statistical tie to this one.

  7. It's useless to Bing or Google my name since I share it with a much more famous person. But I check the search strings that people used to get to my blog. When I put them in Google, and my blog is in the top 5 or so hits (as with the string "gee whiz graph"), I try the same search in Bing and my blog doesn't turn up at all. I blogged this problem under the title "Another Reason to Hate Microsoft." If you blog that title in quotes, Google has 62,800 hits. Search for it in Bing, and you get 376.

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