Incredibly strange spam

Unsolicited (of course) in the email the other day:

Just wanted to touch base with you to see if you needed any quotes on
Parking lot lighting or Garage Lighting? (Induction, LED, Canopy etc…)

We help retrofit 1000’s of garages around the country.

Let me know your specs and ill send you a quote in 24 hours.

Emergency Lights Co.

Ill indeed. . . .

4 thoughts on “Incredibly strange spam

  1. This sort of thing hasn’t seemed strange to me for a few years. I’m used to getting the occasional offer of industrial chemicals, bulk orders of HVAC filters, and other specialty items. I guess every now and then some building manages sees an email like this and thinks “gee, I was just thinking of replacing the fluorescents in the parking garage with LED lights; may as well ask for a quote.” Since the cost of sending spam is so low there is, alas, no disincentive to doing this.

  2. I get mails every day (mostly in the spambox, I don’t see them every day, but when I open the spam folder there are so many so it must be daily) telling me I won x millio of dollars/poiunds/euros in some lottery I never heard about, and never bought a ticket in. I necer checked to see if this was true. ¿Should I have done so?

  3. A quote on street lamps, will this do?

    “Half-past one,
    The street lamp sputtered,
    The street lamp muttered, 15
    The street lamp said, “Regard that woman
    Who hesitates toward you in the light of the door
    Which opens on her like a grin.
    You see the border of her dress
    Is torn and stained with sand, 20
    And you see the corner of her eye
    Twists like a crooked pin.”

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