Thanks for attending StanCon 2017!

Thank you all for coming and making the first Stan Conference a success! The organizers were blown away by how many people came to the first conference. We had over 150 registrants this year!

StanCon 2017 Video

The organizers managed to get a video stream on YouTube: We have over 1900 views since StanCon! (We lost audio during the Q&A and the video quality isn’t the greatest, but it’s better than nothing.)

Contributed Talks

The contributed talks are all online: By following the links, you can access the HTML versions, the code, and links to the video of the presenter.


We’d like to thank our sponsors once again. Without our sponsors, we wouldn’t have been able to run the conference.

  • Columbia University Data Science Institute
    The Data Science Institute at Columbia University is training the next generation of data scientists and developing innovative technology to serve society. Many DSI faculty and students use Stan in their research. In addition some Stan developers are part of DSI.
  • Facebook Research
    Facebook Research uses Stan to implement production data science tools, primarily for its ability to streamline advanced model fitting and simple integration with R and Python. They also use Stan for estimation/inference in research projects, for instance to analyze the results of complex experiments.
  • Metrum Research Group
    Metrum Research Group is increasingly using Stan for Bayesian analysis of a range of pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic data. Most often we use hierarchical models for the analysis of longitudinal data from multiple individual patients in clinical trials. The results are used to aid decision-making clinical development programs, e.g., dosing regimen optimization, design of future clinical trials, go/no-go decisions.
  • Real Capital Analytics
    Real Capital Analytics is the authority on the deals, players and trends driving commercial real estate investments. They use Stan to create their real estate index.
  • Stan Group
    Stan Group is building a cloud compute platform for making decisions under uncertainty. They are backed by Techstars. Stan Group uses Stan to help pharma companies estimate models for early stage cancer research, baseball teams to estimate player abilities, a sports betting market place to assess the skill of the bettors, and many others.

Thanks again for coming to the first Stan Conference. We hope to see you at the next one!

— Daniel, on behalf of the Stan Conference Organizing Committee

Stan Conference Live Stream

StanCon 2017 is tomorrow! Late registration ends in an hour. After that, all tickets are $400.

We’re going to be live streaming the conference. You’ll find the stream as a YouTube Live event from 8:45 am to 6 pm ET (and whatever gets up will be recorded by default). We’re streaming it ourselves, so if there are technical difficulties, we may have to stop early.

We’re on Twitter and you can track the conference with the #stancon2017 hashtag.


30 tickets left to StanCon 2017! New sponsor!

Stan Conference 2017 is on Saturday. We just sold our 150th ticket! Capacity is 180. It’s going to be an amazing event. Register here (while tickets are still available):

Our Q&A Panel will have some members of the Stan Development Team:

  • Andrew Gelman. Stan super user.
  • Bob Carpenter. Stan language, math library.
  • Michael Betancourt. Stan algorithms, math library.
  • Daniel Lee. Math library, CmdStan, how everything fits together.
  • Ben Goodrich. RStan, RStanArm, math library.
  • Jonah Gabry. ShinyStan, and all packages downstream of RStan.
  • Allen Riddell. PyStan.

This only represents about half of the Stan developers at StanCon! Logistically, we just can’t have everyone on stage.



A big thanks to our sponsors! Without their contributions, we really couldn’t have secured the space and the services for the conference. Here are our sponsors (in order of sponsoring StanCon):

Live Stream

We’re going to live stream StanCon 2017. I’ll post more details later this week. I’m still working out technical details. We are running the live stream ourselves, so I’m sure we’ll have technical difficulties. I’d really suggest attending in person if you are able.